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Detailing Tips

Here are some detailing tips, courtesy of Eagle One

12 Pro Car Care Secrets from Eagle One's detailing expert - Chad Heath

1) To minimize scratching when waxing -
At Eagle One we've found that when removing wax or polish, the greater the downward pressure, the greater the risk of scratching. We recommend using a brisk side-to-side motion, with less pressure to minimize this problem. Also, make sure you turn your towel frequently to keep a clean surface in contact with your car's finish.

2) How to best detail your trim -
One of the biggest problems with detailing your car is treating side moldings and plastic trim. While most people do this last, try applying trim detailer, like our Eagle One WET Trim Restorer, while the wax is hazing. This way, when you go to wipe off the wax or polish, any dressing that inadvertently got on the paint will be wiped off with the wax.

3) To better apply polish -
When applying wax or polish to your finish, take some foam wax applicator pads and cut them into different shapes. This will enable you to get into tight areas without getting wax all over other parts. You will also find that foam applicator pads spread the wax much more evenly than traditional towels.

4) How to protect your wheels -
To help protect your wheels from the ravages of nature and brake dust, apply a coat of car polish and wax, like our Eagle One WET Polish & Wax, to your wheels when you detail your car.

5) To better apply leather conditioner -
When applying leather conditioner, like our Eagle One Leather Conditioner, use your hands to apply the product. It makes the product go on much more evenly and less is wasted by being absorbed into a cloth.

6) How to easily make a detailing brush -
If you want to make a quick and easy detailing brush, simply take a 1.5-inch to 2-inch wide paint brush, cut the bristles in half and put electrical tape around the metal part of the brush. The stiffer bristles are ideal for removing wax from emblems, body trim, tail light fixtures and interior pieces. To ensure the bristles do not scratch, wipe the brush against some sandpaper to "flare the tips."

7) Use separate towels for cleaning glass -
Most people know that windows are one of the most difficult parts of the car to get clean. First, use a good quality auto glass cleaner, like our Eagle One 20/20 Perfect Vision Auto Glass Cleaner. Next, use towels that are only for cleaning windows, since towels with wax, silicone or other residue will commonly cause streaking.

8) Inside or out? How to find streaks when cleaning glass -
When cleaning glass, wipe in a side-to-side motion on the exterior of the glass and up and down on the inside. This will allow you to determine where your streaks are coming from.

9) Cool your wheels before cleaning them -
When applying wheel cleaners, like our Eagle One A2Z All Wheel Cleaner, ensure the wheels are cool. Heat accelerates chemical reactions and can cause wheel cleaners to dry prematurely, thus leaving unsightly stains.

10) To avoid tire dressing stains -
When applying tire dressing, make sure you wipe it on the tires. Using Eagle One Tire Swipes will prevent the product from "slinging" up the side of the car and will prevent staining the driveway or street.

11) Avoid washing off the protective layer of wax -
Instead of using traditional dishwashing detergents, use a soap, like our Eagle One WET Car Wash, which is specified for washing cars. Dishwashing detergents are designed to remove grease from pots and pans and will also strip the wax from your finish, which may lead to scratching.

12) How to keep that just-waxed look -
Using spray and wipe, quick detailing products, like our Eagle One WET Wipe & Shine, is an excellent way to keep that just-waxed look between waxing. They are extremely easy to use and will keep your finish looking great between waxing.

  Where to find Eagle One

These products are available at any automotive parts retailer, or from their website, www.eagleone.com